When the forces of
darkness were nailing you on the cross, Jesus Lord, each
nail piercing through your body, blood spilling out of your body, even in that
acute pain, you said ‘’Father, forgive them for they know not what they are
doing’’. These words born out of acute pain and ultimate sacrifice acquired
spiritual powers. You shed your blood to absolve the sins of others. The blood
spilled from your body became the central theme of service to fellow travellers
in life and showed the mankind a new path and a new purpose. This path is the
path of purpose and service to the mankind. Service is an approach to human
Lord, you were born to a virgin, holy and blameless. When you
were born on this day, that is 25th December, seven Rishis (monks)
from India followed a bright star which led to your place of birth. Those
Rishis knew that a great soul was being born.
Jesus Lord, we lesser mortals keep drifting form the path shown
by great souls. Buddha came back to the Earth in your form to teach us how to
love humanity. Again you came back to earth in the form of Mahatma Gandhi whose
path was truthfulness. Service, love for humanity and truthfulness together
showed that the great souls think alike and they are one and the same in
different forms. Krishna in Bhagavad-Gita said ‘’Sambhavami Yuge Yuge’’ that is
I keep coming back to Earth again and again whenever there is turmoil on Earth.
Jesus lord, we lesser mortals have again drifted alarmingly. We
dropped atom bombs on two cities, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, killing thousands of
innocent people and we keep killing innocent people in the name of religion.
Our sheer greed has made this Earth warmer and warmer. Man has advanced beyond
imaginations. We have landed on moon and mars. Sadly, Jesus Lord, man is yet to
learn the art of living on earth. At this time of conflict and turmoil we need
you to put us on the right track.
Amidst the tragedy, conflict and agony we still hear your voice
pleading with the father on our behalf. ‘’Father, Forgive Them For They Know
Not What They Are Doing’’. Your voice
has given a new hope to mankind which makes our heart beat with joy and goads
us to share the joy and wish the mankind-
‘’Merry Christmas’’!