It is interesting to know the peculiar
characteristics of the Sea. Throw
anything – Iron, Wood, Dead body, Glass anything at all
in to the sea. The Sea rejects them all
and throw them back to its bank through its waves. Throw Gold in to the sea it gratefully accept
the gold and takes gold into the bottom and jealously guards the gold. If one can dive deep into the sea and reaches
the bottom, one can see the divine quality, glittering yellow metal there.
Mind, which is not a physical entity like the Sea,
on the other hand displays contrasting characteristics. Dive deep into the mind, and one would be
horrified to see all the Shakespearean villains’ qualities like hatred,
selfishness, greed, disloyalty etc., etc., lies in the bottom of the mind. The Sea rejects all the bad things of the
material world and accepts only the glowing golden divine qualities and makes
life richer. Mind does quiet opposite, it makes the life miserable.
Go to east in search of Truth. This is an old English saying. This means turn to metaphysical from material
philosophy. Philosophy is the most
difficult subject and much more difficult to adopt them in life. Buddha never bothered about god, heaven or hell. He interested himself in the ‘Present’. He dealt with the method of training the
mind. He showed us, the common man, the
easier path to attain ‘Ananda’ (the nearest word in English is Happiness).
If the nation as a whole or atleast a large number
in it can inspire themselves with the spirit of Buddha and imbibe his spirit by
which knowledge can flow into love and service of the people. Truthfulness, unselfishness, compassion and
service. If we can imbibe these
teachings of Buddha in our daily life we can create heaven on earth.
Surrender to
Buddham Sharanam