Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Commitment- the life of life

One can find the meaning for the word ‘commitment’ in the dictionary.                unfortunately the word has lost its meaning beyond the dictionary. The word commitment has lost its meaning in life. The Rosenberg story had to happen to reassert commitment’s value and meaning. An American advocate Emanuel Hirsch Bloch displayed an exemplary quality and courage to uphold the meaning and value of ‘commitment in life’.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the USA citizens who spied for the Soviet Union were tried, convicted and executed for conspiracy to commit espionage in 1951. There were other co-conspirators who were also imprisoned. Emanuel Hirsch Bloch defended the couple. There was consensus among the general public that the couple was guilty. The trial was marred by judicial alegal improprieties.
In the trial, the Rosenbergs were convicted and sentenced to death. But the Rosenberg’s remained defiant and during the testimony, the couple used the right under the USA constitution’s Fifth Amendment to not incriminate themselves whenever they were asked about their involvement in the communist party. The Rosenbergs were convicted in March 1951 and were executed in April 1951.

Before the execution, there was a strong campaign for clemency. The formation of the national committee to secure justice for the Rosenbergs ushered. Some Americans believed that the Rosenbergs were innocent. The grassroots level campaign started to stop the execution. Albert Einstein and NobelPrize winner Herald Urey and many other important personalities in America condemned the harsh treatment meted out to the Rosenbergs. Even Pope Paul XII appealed to PresidentEisenhower to spare the couple. All the appeals were unsuccessful.

The advocate for the couple Emanuel Hirsch Bloch was very much disheartened. His failure to get justice for his clients pushed him to extreme edge. The presidential pardon wasn’t coming. He personally wanted to meet the president of US to appeal for clemency for his clients but was denied an audience with the president. There was only one thing in his mind- that was to get the presidential pardon for his clients. This urge grew stronger and stronger. He used to go to the white house every day and request for an audience with the president. But his requests were denied every time, yet he visited the white house everyday and stood at the gate till dusk in the hope that the president might invite him for discussion. In the meanwhile other important things like food, bath and clean dress disappeared from his mind. He displayed this exemplary loyalty and commitment to his clients until the Rosenbergs were executed.

Win or lose, the commitment to the cause is very essential in life. It is these values honesty, truthfulness and commitment that make the life richer. For upholding these values advocate Emanuel Hirsch Bloch deserves a rich and loud applaud from all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, everyone one of us in all the phases of our lives must be committed our works. As a student to our studies, as a youth towards our profession and as an individual towards our own and others development and our nation's development.
