Tuesday, May 9, 2017

“Hello. What Is Your Number......”

“Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and is the cause of Gods and Demons”.

I am not a numerologist.  But have only nodding acquaintance with the occult subject –numerology.  I wish to discuss the subject numerology with you with the hope that one of you might possess more knowledge about the subject or might take a deep interest and go deep into the subject.

Kabala is jewish mysticism and occult lore. This helps us understand the connections between our apprehensions of things as facts of experience and the cosmic laws which underlie those facts, says Sepharial, an English man who mastered the ancient Hindu system of Astrology and later devoted his life to the study of science of Numbers.

Behind the cosmos lies the intelligence which manifests to us through nature.  The universe is but the crystallized idea of God. It is a divine thought form. By the study of numbers we may learn the laws of divine expression. What we call an event is but a displacement and rearrangement of the parts of the sphere of reality. There is an analogy between the laws of matter and those of mind. This arises from a common cause. We learn from numerology that all forces are moving and are in vibration.

The philosophers of ancient Greece believed that the numbers possessed some mysterious power. The ancient seers Hindu, the Greeks and Hebrews assigned certain power or occult power to each number. For example, No 5 stands for reason, logic, ethics, commerce and utility.

In the astrological series each of the 9 numbers from 1 – 9 and 0(Zero) have their value, a symbol which is associated with the Sun and members of the Solar System. Each number has its characteristics. The number’s planetary vibration are No 1 Sun positive, No 4 Sun Negative, No 7 Moon positive, No 2 Moon negative, No 8 Saturn, No 3 Jupiter, No 9 Mars, No 6 venus and No 5 Mercury.

So much lies hidden beneath the simple numbers. This is the bird view of Numerology. Matter is the ultimate expression of spirit. There is an analogy between laws of matter and mind. The key to the both is the science of

Occult Number.

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