Thursday, June 15, 2017


Britain went to polls last week. Conservatives were the favourites to win the elections. Prime Minister Theresa May’s gamble didn’t work out. Hence Tories formed a minority government under May’s leadership. Here lies the interesting story of Tories’ story.
Read on…

Democracy, as man has understood, is a better type of governance, even with the deficiencies it carries than any other type of governance. Great Britain is the birth place of democracy. Britain has suffered the most due to wars than any other country in the world. In the late eighteenth century, intellectual revolution took place in Britain. English man emerged as the best man in the world. The great bard, Charles Dickens, Canon Doyle (can we forget Sherlock Holmes) and Agatha Christie among many other writers made it possible for Britain to undergo intellectual revolution.

The British political philosophy is typical. Englishman (like an Indian) is a traditionalist person and upholds the social order as it evolved throughout the history. Instinctively he is opposed to liberalism. They combine democracy with monarchy. Perhaps this is why Tories emerged as the strong political force in Britain. Conservatives are also called Tories. It is in the seventeenth century the term ‘Tories’ emerged. Charles II was the king between 1679 and 1681. In this period two political factions emerged in the parliament.  Charles II’s brother  was a Roman catholic. One group opposed his succession and the other group supported him. Those who supported him were the Tories. Officially, conservatives were known as Tories.

Former British Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel brought changes in the party and created modern conservative party. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said ‘I am a conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution (it is an unwritten constitution, the only of its kind in the world), a radical to remove all that is bad’.

At present the whole world is looking at Great Britain whether May’s minority government would succeed.

‘It May’.


  1. A true democratic words describing the truth for a so called minorities.....a majority of hope.
